Updating Your Work Space and Business Practices for the 2019 Economic Year.

Let’s face facts, as a business owner you need to be aware that it is your staff that enables the business to make money. It imperative that the Managing Director of an organization maintains a harmonious work environment. Ensuring that space is friendly will allow your talented employees to be as productive as possible. It can be difficult to come up with ideas on how to update the workspace and practices to ensure that your staff is content. We have highlighted three possible avenues that you could explore to ensure office space zen.

Update Your Office

One of the common complaints from employees is that their workspace lacks personality. We can understand that it might be difficult to maintain your motivation every day if the space around you lacks any type of vibrancy. We suggest that you try and update your office as much as possible, try new desks, soft seating areas or low hanging lights secured by catenary wire for that ultra-modern feel. A perfect opportunity to reinforce your brand identity, have a feature wall in the office that features your logo and other brand identification.

Introduce Flexi-Time

The days of the traditional 9-5 working regime are numbered, if not already gone. Along with your office space, you must modernize your working culture. If you have not introduced flexi-time yet, this is a must for 2019. You will see an upturn in revenue if your staff can work the hours that they choose. Allowing your staff to have a better work/life balance will make them more productive and invested in your organization. If the work is done, then it shouldn’t matter when it is done. The idea that there should be a compulsory working day is Victorian and should stay in that era.

Competitive Commission Structure 

Another hard truth for a business owner in 2019 is that your employees, more than ever are waking up to their personal value to your business and as a result, they must be compensated for their time and effort properly. Having a competitive base-salary is, of course, important, but as a further incentive, you could introduce a commission or bonus structure. Incentivizing your workers with more than just basic pay for the role will mean that your employees work harder and go the extra mile as they can see the benefit of doing this.

Introducing these changes to your business practices will put your operation in the best place to succeed in 2019. It might be a difficult economic year, with the Brexit uncertainty and the prospect of a no-deal so you would be best served to be in the best possible position. Having a motivated workforce will shield you from any potential economic turbulence and allow you to capitalize on any business opportunities in 2019. Introducing Flexi-Time, Competitive Commissions or investing in an office space redesign might seem like costly outlays in the beginning, but the potential return on investment will be surprising.


About Sangeeta

CEO & Founder StartupFreak, Economics & Marketing is her favorite subject and focuses on helping small and medium enterprise to set up their business online

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